Business terms and conditions

Business terms and conditions for services ordered remotely via the website,
(version as of May 1, 2024)

Article 1
General provision
1.1 These Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as "Terms and Conditions") apply to ordering services through the website, . The purchase of services in their meaning can be carried out by natural and legal persons (hereinafter referred to as the "customer") without limitation, provided that the customer agrees that the purchase contracts concluded in this way will be governed by these Terms and Conditions, the provisions of the Complaints Procedure, other conditions listed on the website www., and relevant legal regulations.
1.2 The seller in these Terms and Conditions means the company Van Den Bergen, s.r.o., with registered office: Jelenia 1, 811 05 Bratislava, ID: 51 765 730, VAT number: 2120792333, registered in the commercial register of the Municipal Court Bratislava III, section: Sro, entry no. . 129487/B, e-mail:, telephone contact: +421 902 698 957 (hereinafter referred to as "seller" or "Van Den Bergen, s.r.o." or "Van Den Bergen company").
1.3 Supervisory authority: Slovak Trade Inspection (SOI) SOI Inspectorate for the Bratislava region, Prievozská 32, P.O. Box 5, 820 07 Bratislava 27, Department of Technical Product Control and Consumer Protection tel. No.: 02/ 58272 172-3.

Article 2
Ordering procedure
2.1 The customer can order any service offered through the "Order Form" via the website,
2.2 After completing the order form and agreeing to the Terms and Conditions and the Personal Data Protection Rules, the completed form will be sent to Van Den Bergen by simply clicking on the "Send" button. Creating an order is not conditional on registration at, The customer is obliged to fill in the data that the Van Den Bergen company requires from him via the order form (while it is considered that if the customer provides his ID number, he acts and purchases as an entrepreneur, not a consumer). These data will be used for the purpose of creating an order.
2.3 By sending the order, the customer confirms that he has familiarized himself and/or has been informed by the seller about the main features of the services, their total price and other costs, namely fuel costs, respectively. transportation of the customer to the place of embarkation, or transportation of the customer from the place of disembarkation (if these services are not provided free of charge) (total price and costs hereinafter referred to as "the price"), as well as the fact that he is obliged to pay this particular amount of the price to the seller and that he chose a satisfactory method of payment of the price from the options offered by the seller, about the delivery conditions, the period by which the seller undertakes to deliver the services, or transport, possibly also goods (these services are referred to as "accompanying services"). After the order has been created, it will be registered in the Van Den Bergen company's system, and the customer will be informed of this by an e-mail notification of order acceptance. Upon delivery of the confirmation of acceptance of the order to the buyer, the contract for the supply of services and goods is considered concluded, while its subject is the delivery of the services specified in the order at the price stated there, and all under the conditions stated on the website,, in these Terms and Conditions and in Complaints procedure.
2.4 The website, does not allow customers to access information about the status of their orders. Van Den Bergen will inform its customers about the status of the order via the email address specified in the order.
2.5 By sending the order, the customer confirms that he has read these Terms and Conditions and agrees with them in their entirety. The seller reserves the right to change the Terms and Conditions, which takes effect on the day of publication of the updated version of the Terms and Conditions on the website However, in the case of a concluded contract for the supply of services, this contract is governed by the Terms and Conditions valid at the time it was concluded. These Terms and Conditions are valid from July 1, 2023.
2.6. In addition to ordering services without registration, services can be reserved without obligation, in the form of an order/reservation form. The services that can be booked must be available on the selected date, while Van Den Bergen is entitled to cancel this reservation after 24 hours. since the reservation was made. In case of unavailability of the service, Van Den Bergen is entitled to cancel, of which the customer is immediately informed.
Article 3
Terms of payment

3.1 All prices of goods and services are listed including VAT. In the case of an order with payment in advance, the customer has several payment options. The most suitable form of payment is a bank transfer or payment in cash. Another option is a direct deposit in Tatrabanka to the bank account listed in the Proforma Invoice.
Article 4
Delivery conditions and costs for delivery of services
4.1 Van Den Bergen undertakes to deliver the ordered services to the customer on the ordered and confirmed day of delivery of the service, payment of the price stated in the proforma invoice, and upon receipt of the order by the seller. However, if the company Van Den Bergen does not have a free date for the delivery of the service (which it will inform the customer about), it will try to offer the customer the first closest date for the delivery of the service that suits him. The customer acknowledges that there may be circumstances beyond Van Den Bergen's control and which render the delivery of the service unfulfillable (usually force majeure, weather effects, water level or cancellation of the trip by decision of the VMP (captain of a small vessel)); in that case, the procedure according to the following paragraph shall apply.
4.2 Payment means the moment of crediting the payment of the price (or part of it, if according to the agreed conditions only part of the price is to be paid in advance according to the order; hereinafter referred to as "advance payment") to the account of Van Den Bergen, to which this payment should have been transferred. If the above-mentioned delivery of the service is impossible for technical or other reasons, the company Van Den Bergen, or the VMP (master of a small vessel) undertakes to inform the customer immediately, and if there is no agreement between the company Van Den Bergen and the customer on the delivery of the service in an alternative period , on the provision of another service of the same quality and price, or on other substitute performance, the Van Den Bergen company undertakes to return the price paid for the services or the advance payment to the customer within 15 days at the latest from the notification of the inability to meet the delivery time, in the same way as was used for payment of the order price, unless Van Den Bergen and the customer agree otherwise.
4.3 Van Den Bergen undertakes to deliver services to the customer at the address in the Slovak Republic, which the customer specifies in the order as the place of embarkation.
4.4 If the customer chooses any additional service, he will be charged in the form of a proforma invoice with the ordered service.
4.5 In the case of a service for disabled citizens with reduced mobility, persons in an intoxicated state or otherwise incapable of safe navigation, the company Van Den Bergen has the right to refuse to provide the service for safety reasons of the sailors and the crew.
Article 5
Order cancellation
The provisions of this Article 5 do not affect the right of the customer, who enters and orders services on, to withdraw from the contract concluded at a distance in accordance with the relevant legal regulations, as stated in Article 6 below. Such a customer acting as a consumer may withdraw from a contract concluded at a distance (cancel his order) even before the expiry of the period for withdrawal from the contract according to Article 6.
Order cancellation by Van Den Bergen
The Van Den Bergen company reserves the right to cancel the order, or part of it, if it is not possible for technical reasons to deliver the service within the required time or under the terms of the order, or if the price charged by the supplier of fuel or goods for additional services has changed significantly. In the event that this situation occurs, Van Den Bergen will immediately contact the customer in order to agree on the next course of action. In the event that the customer has already paid the price from the order (advance invoice) or part of it and there is no agreement between Van Den Bergen and the customer on the provision of other goods and services of the same quality and price or on other alternative performance, Van Den Bergen undertakes return to the customer within 15 days to his account or address the price paid for the goods and services or advance payment.
Article 6
Instruction on the customer's right to withdraw from the contract
6.1 The customer has the right to withdraw from the contract without giving a reason no later than 14 days before the start of the voyage, while this period is considered preserved if the notice of withdrawal from the contract was sent to the seller no later than the last day of the period.
6.2 The customer exercises his right to withdraw from the contract in writing at the address of the seller's registered office mentioned above, by e-mail at or in another way that does not raise doubts that the contract has been withdrawn. To withdraw from the contract, the customer is entitled to use the form that forms attachment no. 1 of these Terms and Conditions. The customer bears the burden of proof for exercising the right to withdraw from the contract.
6.3 Van Den Bergen undertakes, without undue delay, no later than 15 days from the date of delivery of the notice of withdrawal from the contract, to return to the customer all payments received from him on the basis of a proforma invoice or invoice. The cancellation fee for withdrawing from the ordered service is 20% of the total price of the service.
6.4 In accordance with the law, the customer cannot withdraw from the contract, the subject of which is the provision of a service, if its provision began with the express consent of the customer and the customer declared that he was properly informed that by expressing this consent he loses the right to withdraw from the contract after full provision services and if the service has been fully provided.
Article 7
Procedures for application and processing of claims, complaints and customer suggestions
7.1 In the event that the customer is not satisfied with the way in which the seller handled his complaint or believes that the seller has violated his rights, the customer has the right to contact the seller with a request for correction. If the seller responds negatively to the customer's request in accordance with the previous sentence or does not respond to such a request within 30 days from the date it was sent to the customer, the customer has the right to submit a proposal to initiate an alternative dispute resolution pursuant to § 12 of Act No. 391/2015 Coll. on alternative resolution of consumer disputes and on amendments to certain laws as amended. The competent entity for alternative resolution of consumer disputes with the seller is the Slovak Trade Inspection or another relevant authorized legal entity registered in the list of alternative dispute resolution entities maintained by the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic (the list is available at; the customer has the right to choose which of the listed alternative dispute resolution entities to turn to. The customer can use the online dispute resolution platform available on the website to submit a proposal for an alternative resolution of their consumer dispute.
7.2 Complaints and suggestions can be submitted by the customer to the e-mail address The answer will be sent to him, depending on the form of the applied complaint or initiative, within 30 days of receipt.
Article 8
Protection of consumer personal data

In connection with the introduction of new legislation in the field of personal data protection - Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons in the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, which repeals Directive 95/46/EC (General Regulation on data protection) (hereinafter referred to as "GDPR") and implementing measures to ensure the compliance of Van den Bergen, s.r.o. with the GDPR as well as with related relevant legal regulations governing the protection of personal data (e.g. Act No. 18/2018 Coll. on the Protection of Personal Data and on Amendments and Supplements to Certain Acts, decrees of the Office for the Protection of Personal Data of the Slovak Republic), the general information obligation regarding the protection of personal data data can be found by customers on the website.

Business terms and conditions
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Van Den Bergen, s.r.o.
Jelenia 1
811 05 Bratislava
IČO: 51 765 730


Phone: +421 949 666 701
English: +421 902 698 957
Deutsch: +421 902 698 957
Russian: +421 902 698 957

  • Monday: 08:00 - 22:00
  • Tuesday: 08:00 - 22:00
  • Wednesday: 08:00 - 22:00
  • Thursday: 08:00 - 22:00
  • Friday: 08:00 - 22:00
  • Weekend: 08:00 - 22:00

Rules of conduct on the ship
Business terms
Order Cancellation
Cookie policy
Personal data protection policy
Map of the Danube